Seasonal Ant Control: Tips And Strategies For Every Time Of The Year

6 June 2023
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you're like most homeowners, you find the thought of ant infestations in your home interior unsettling and a cause for concern, as these tiny invaders can compromise your home's cleanliness and potentially cause structural damage. As the seasons change, so do the behaviors of ants, and understanding these patterns is crucial for effective pest management.

Following are some season-specific strategies that can help you keep these tiny invaders at bay:

Embracing Winter's Reprieve

Ants aren't as visible during the colder months, but that doesn't mean they've vanished. They've merely retreated deeper underground — often under your home's foundation — to escape the cold.

This period of reduced activity provides an opportunity for you to prepare for the busier seasons. Inspect your home for cracks and crevices that ants might use as entry points come spring. Seal them up promptly so that when ants become active again, they find it challenging to access your home.

However, noticeable ant activity inside the home during winter isn't unheard of — and the typical cause is that the insects have set up shop somewhere in your home interior rather than burrowing deep down underneath the house. 

Ant Activity in Spring

As the temperatures rise, ants become more active. Spring is when you might start noticing ant trails in your kitchen or other areas of your home.

In response, step up your cleaning routines. Ants are primarily driven by the search for food and water. Keeping your home clean, particularly your kitchen and dining areas, reduces the attraction for these tiny scavengers.

Summer's Challenge

Ant activity tends to peak in the summer. The warmth and abundance of food make it an ideal time for ants to forage and reproduce.

During this period, it's crucial to manage potential food sources vigilantly. Regularly empty and clean trash bins, wipe down surfaces to remove food residues, and store food in airtight containers. Outside, maintain a tidy yard. Regularly clear away debris and keep a reasonable distance between plants and your home's structure to deter ant colonies from setting up too close.

Additionally, be mindful of open doors and windows — insects of all types, including ants, frequently access home interiors through these seemingly innocuous openings. Consider installing fine mesh screens to allow fresh air in while keeping unwanted critters out.

Fall Preparations

As fall arrives, ants begin to prepare for winter. They step up their food collection, which might lead to more sightings in and around your home.

It's a good time to check your home's exterior for ant trails and monitor your indoor areas for any signs of ant activity. If you notice a problem, consider calling a pest control professional. Early intervention can prevent a full-blown infestation when spring comes around again.

Contact a professional to learn more about ant control
