Natural Food Supplies You Can Use To Fight Pests

22 December 2015
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you want to try and deal with ants in your home in a non-toxic and more natural way, there are a number of options you can use. One approach is to try and use largely food ingredients that you're familiar with because then you can be sure that what you're using is non-toxic since you could just eat it anyway.  


All that is really necessary for you to use this approach is to put a small dish with a big pile of cornmeal in it in any area that you suspect may contain ants. Ants are attracted to cornmeal, but they can't digest it. The goal is to drop it as close to the ants' home as possible in order to get them to bring it back into the colony.

This will actually cause them to starve to death because their bellies will be full of something that they can't actually get nutrients out of or even really get rid of in any way. The approach isn't fast, but it is effective.


Mint tastes just fine to humans, but ants can't stand it. You can use mint oil or even just bags of mint tea in any location where you want to discourage ants from coming. The strong scent of the mint will encourage them to stay away and go elsewhere for their foraging.


It's possible to trap ants with sugar since they will be highly attracted to it. One common recipe is to use sugar with highly watered down boric acid; it is toxic to ants, but it can be made safe to humans and pets provided you water it down sufficiently. You need to mix at least 1 teaspoon plus 6 tablespoons sugar in 2 cups of water. You should make this even more diluted if you're worried about children and pets.

You can then soak it all in cotton balls and put the balls around your house. The ants will load up on it and then bring it back to the nest, slowly poisoning all of the ants there. If they poison themselves with a low enough dosage and slowly enough, they often won't notice the problem.

Also, you can either just use these supplies on their own or else purchase supplies that contain these ingredients. Many products containing the ingredients are more effective since they will contain the components using the highest quality sources at the exact right amounts. For more information, talk to a company like ASE Pest & Weed Supplies.
